Here at Ashley Down we offer a play based approach to learning in our Early Years classes. Through play children learn to explore the concepts and ideas of the National Curriculum in a more independent, creative and collaborative way. Teaching staff support their play through provocations and help develop their ideas, extend their thinking and reflect on their successes and challenges. We develop whole class learning in Phonics and maths and then work closely with small groups to expand their skills further in a supportive and nurturing environment.
“Play gives children a chance to practice what they are learning.” Fred Rogers
“Almost all creativity involves purposeful play.” Abraham Maslow
EYFS Documents
Life Learning in Early Years
download_for_offlineLife Learning in Early Years
- Every Childs right to be heard download_for_offline
download_for_offlineEvery Childs right to be heard
- Bristol-EY-CoEL-Final-Document 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineBristol-EY-CoEL-Final-Document 1
- Bristol-Early-Years-Assessment-Guidance-NOV-22 1 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineBristol-Early-Years-Assessment-Guidance-NOV-22 1
- B25M-Parent-Leaflet-A5-4pp-art download_for_offline
For further information regarding our school's curriculum, including Phonics and maths, please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.
- Every Childs right to be heard download_for_offline