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Ashley Down Primary School


PSHE at Ashley Down Primary School Aims (intent) 

At Ashley Down, we believe in equipping each child with the skills they need to be happy, successful members of society. In Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) learning we enhance and develop these skills. Relationships are key to this approach, and we ensure that we support this learning through our assemblies, our behaviour policy, in all of our interactions with children and in supporting children with their relationships with each other. We recognise the important role that PSHE plays in safeguarding and in helping children to recognise healthy relationships and develop their resilience. PSHE is delivered in a supportive and inclusive way by teachers who know their classes and who adapt learning to meet the needs of the class.

What it looks like here (implementation)

Our PSHE curriculum uses the ‘Jigsaw 3-11’ scheme as a framework for weekly lessons across the school. This covers all aspects of the Statutory requirements for Relationships and Health education. It is a spiral and progressive curriculum, which ensures that key messages are delivered at age appropriate times. Each term, every year group focuses on the same aspect of the curriculum, which is reinforced in assemblies. The terms are organised into the following six units:

1. Being me in my world

2. Celebrating difference (includes anti-bullying)

3. Dreams and goals

4. Healthy me

5. Relationships

6. Changing me (includes Relationships and Sex Education)

Every lesson has two learning intentions: one is specific to Relationships and Health Education and one which focusses on emotional and social literacy.

adp pshe overview.pdf

 Please see our PSHE policy here.

For further information regarding our school's curriculum please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.