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Ashley Down Primary School

Parenting and Wellbeing Support

Being a parent is a hard job and children don't come with a user manual! All of us benefit from parenting help and support and there are some great resources available which we would encourage all families to access. The educational psychologist who supports Ashley Down has put together some excellent parent leaflets on a range of useful topics:

  • Anger
  • Managing morning routines
  • Sensory differences 
  • Anxiety
  • Helping your child's sleep 
  • Eating
  • Relationships and separation anxiety
  • Resilience

Please pop into the office to pick up a copy from Mrs Romo if you would like one.

Summer 2024 Online Events for Parents

Please see below information about support from a Parental Relationship Practitioner. She will be outlining some of the challenges parents are facing and suggesting strategies for support.

Summer Stress Relief.pdf

SIPCO Bristol Parents.pdf

Bristol Family Hub


 Alternative Support

Womankind Helpline

Womankind Webchat

How to Grow a Grown Up parenting resources

In the past we have been lucky to have the brilliantly knowledgeable and practical Dr Dominique Thompson speak to parents at Ashley Down. Her book 'How to Grow a Grown Up' is an excellent read.

Dr Thompson is an award-winning former university GP, young people's mental health expert, TEDx speaker, author and educator, with two decades of clinical NHS experience. Her website is a wealth of evidence based advice and really useful blogs:


She also has an active Facebook community


Although Dr Thompson's writing has a slant towards upper primary and teens it is so helpful as parents of younger children knowing what is in store as our children get older, and lots of her advice, insight and tips are really useful for parents of younger children as well.

Parenting Courses

Bristol City Council has a team called 'Families in Focus' who run a selection of parenting courses, including parenting children with challenging behaviour, children with anxiety and 'parenting when separated' for parents who're preparing for, going through, or have gone through a separation or divorce.

Here is a link to their page:

Families in Focus

Here is their latest newsletter:

Families bulletin December

Support for families of children with SEND

Our SENCO Mrs Rachael Bishop sends out the newsletters to families with children on the SEND register 3 times per year, but it may be of interest to other families too.

See the latest newsletter here:

Autumn 2024 SEND newsletter