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Ashley Down Primary School

Religious Education

RE at Ashley Down Primary School Aims (intent)

Our Religious Education curriculum at Ashley Down has been designed with our local Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). It is about Awareness, Mystery and Value and aims to ensure that: • Pupils who follow this syllabus gain a deep awareness of their own and others’ identities; they wrestle with the mysteries of life and the answers given by a wide variety of religions and beliefs; they develop a clear sense of what is of real value in world today.

• Pupils who follow this syllabus gain a deep knowledge and understanding of the teachings, practices and life stories expressed in a variety of ways within Christianity and other principal religions and world views. Through reflection on their own beliefs and values in the light of their learning, they grow in respect for themselves and others.

• Pupils who follow this syllabus encounter the transformative power of religions and beliefs in people’s lives – in our area, in the UK and in the wider world. They demonstrate curiosity about people of faith and commitment who have changed individual lives, society and culture. Through RE, they feel compelled to imagine and contribute to the creation of a better world for all.

What it looks like here (implementation)

• At Ashley Down we teach three RE units per year group from years 1 – 6. In Reception, concepts about Religion are explored as children learn about identity and about festivals and special celebrations.

• The taught units of RE are themed around philosophical questions that encourage investigation. We include themes of belonging and questions about how we should live our lives and what is important to us.

• Some example questions include: “Where do we belong?”, “How should we live our lives and who should inspire us?” and “Why do religious books and teachings matter?”.

• As children progress through the school, their understanding will deepen and they will make links to prior learning in RE as well as PSHE, History and Life Learning. Pupils are encouraged to learn about the experiences of others and to share their own experiences. In so doing, they gain empathy and respect for the different world views in our community.

• RE lessons often include vibrant discussions where pupils learn how to share their ideas and listen to the ideas of others. RE is also taught through Art and Drama activities.

• We enrich the teaching of RE with high quality experiences that help deliver the content of the curriculum and celebrate some of the different festivals in our community. For example, we visit local places of worship for Christmas and Easter activities; we have Divali puppet shows and we invite people of different religions and world views to host assemblies and class workshops.

adp re overview.pdf

You have the right to withdraw your child from all or part of RE, if you wish to do so please contact the school office.

For further information regarding our school's curriculum please check the year group pages or alternatively please contact the school office.